Guilt-free, fat burning delicious dessert, anyone?

Guilt-free, fat burning delicious dessert, anyone?

THIS is yet another guilt-free “cheesecake” recipe. It seems like its all the rage with bloggers lately, so I am jumping on the bandwagon. I love these recipes!  They are low glycemic, delicious, decadent, and guilt free.  Hello…what more could you want from life??  I, however, want to change it up and have my own version. I made an orange and blueberry cheesecake for Passover (check out the post here), and I have made similar chocolate ganache tarts, but I’m if I serve blueberries again my husband might get tired of my  raw, vegan antics, and sometimes all chocolate is just too rich (wow, did I just say that??).

Another thing that I love about these recipes is this:  many people who want to lose weight and/or eat healthier think they have to give up good food and tasty treats.  NOT SO!  This delectable dessert is a perfect fat loss, burn-those-hips-down-to-size example of how healthy can be delicious and guilt free. The coconut oil, coconut cream,  and cashews are all extremely nutritious.  They are good sources of healthy fats and protein, which help the body to burn fat.  I use real maple syrup for these  recipes, which is lower glycemic than other sweeteners.  The dates–have you ever opened a date?  They have tons of fiber!  But, you’d never know you’re eating something healthy with this delight.  When you eat foods balanced with healthy fats and proteins your body secretes less insulin, and this creates a little magic in the body.  Glucagon, the fat-burning hormone is released and BAM!  This is why people can eat all day and not get fat.  Its a fine line, though.  If there is too much insulin (because there’s too much sugar/carbs in the bloodstream at once), then glucagon can’t come out to make energy.    This is one of the secrets to fat loss that people forget, which causes massive frustration, which ultimately results in giving up, feeling like a failure again, and demoralization (all the usual things that go along with diets on the back end).  These types of dishes show that you can have your cake and eat it too!

This week I’m going to experiment, so stay tuned for pictures! I’m going to take the basic raw, vegan, gluten free cheesecake deliciousness (trust me, it is GOOD), and use strawberries and raw cacao nibs. Who DOESN’T like strawberries and chocolate!  My hubby is not a fan of strawberries, so to make everyone happy, I’m going to alternate blackberries and strawberries.  This is sounding better and better by the minute!

Its my daughter’s birthday, too. Strawberries (or any berries) and chocolate is such a great combo for a special occasion.

So, go over to Savanna’s blog and check out the recipe and then stay tuned for my version with strawberries and raw cacao nibs!

Wish me luck in the kitchen!  🙂  Elyse

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