Snow day? here’s something to chew on…


Its another snow day here in Cincinnati.  I really love snow days because its a great excuse to cocoon (interpret as sit in front of fire, read, watch movies, work on the computer), and do anything except exercise.  Ever since I got pneumonia several years ago, I can’t run outside.  One more excuse to skip my workout.

But, this year is different because I am committed to training (yes, actually following a training program like I teach) for a May triathlon.  Let me back up a little bit.

So, for the past two years or so, I haven’t been racing, so I haven’t been training.  I’ve been so busy training others that it was really hard for me to get my own training in.  And my friend and training partner got sick 2 years ago, then was working ungodly hours at work.  So that’s my excuse.  I was unmotivated and kind of was in victim/blame mode.  This year something is different.  I actually heard myself.

You know what I mean.  Its like we have this conversation in our heads:

me: I should run today

my head: oh yeah, lets call Mary and see when she can go

me: she can’t go, boo ho0.  I should go anyway.

my head: yeah, but it won’t be as fun, and maybe when you get there it might hurt and then I’ll be sore or hurt myself, and besides its cold out.

me: yeah, better play it safe.

Okay, so then one day in January I was able to step back and really hear myself.  I was like–Oh my gosh!! I sound just like the clients who never come to the gym!  I am so lame!! I am letting everything get in the way of me working out!  If I want to change then I have to take charge and do it.  Pull up my big girl panties.  and Just Do IT.

So, for the past two weeks I have been spinning and running, doing brick workouts, lifting, swimming.  This morning I ALMOST fell back into complacent mode, but I went to the gym (thanks to some motivation from my daughter) and had an awesome workout!!!  Feels so good!  Victorious over my sloth-like tendencies.  🙂 Here is what I did on the treadmill while I watched part of the Pink Panther (I did weights yesterday and missed spinning so I did this today):

Ran at 5.5 (rather slow) for 3 minutes. Then did tabatas at 7.5  (thats 20 seconds run hard/10 rest 8 times).  I rested at 4.0 then sped up to 6.0 until I got to 10 minutes.  Then I did another tabata set same as the first.  Rested until 16 minutes and ended with another tabata set.  That brought me to a little over 2 miles and 20 minutes.  Felt great!!!  Don’t get me wrong.  It was hard, but I have to share this key insight:

As I was doing my second set of tabatas (at about the 4th round), I started to feel more relaxed.  I definitely was keeping track of my form, very conscious of using my core and hamstrings/glutes, but I started to feel like I could breathe slower.

Physiologically this isn’t really earth shattering, but I want to share it with you because of this:

We tend to feel that something is hard and then stop because it hurts, or we feel weak.  This happens when I swim.  My first 100 m my arms are burning, but then it goes away.  Push ups are the same way.  Once warmed up, the muscles, given the proper rest, can keep going and the burn goes away.

So, two lessons here…

#1:  Listen to yourself.  are you playing the victim card?  do you blame other people, your situation, your family for not doing what you really want/need?  work that out.  being a victim is all in your head, so you can change it.  Read a book for inspiration about an athlete who beat all odds and conquered the worst to rise above.  this is a great story.  Listen to some inspiring music like Eye of the Tiger or Firework.  Might sound kind of corny but it works.

#2: Keep going.  Don’t stop when your muscles start to burn (there is a difference between burn and hurt–listen to your body).  Push past the burn and see if it goes away.

Happy snow day!  Share your favorite snow day workout in the comments below!


Kosher for Passover treat that is healthy too! BUCKEYES!!

Every 3-4 months we invite some friends over for a gourmet club.  This is no ordinary gourmet club, though.  When you think of gourmet club, usually very decadent dishes come to mind, but this dinner club is focused on healthy food.  So, most people would think aaah, no thanks!  But, the food is DELICIOUS!  And, that is really the whole point: to show (especially the hubbies) how eating healthy can be scrumptious. 

Oh, I forgot to mention that its a VEGAN gourmet club, even though no one in the group is actually a practicing vegan.  I will tell you about the conception of our group another time (and hopefully it will inspire you to start your own!!), because I really want to share this surprisingly delicious recipe for Buckeyes.  Not only are the vegan (gotta use vegan dark chocolate to be official–but that is readily available these days), they are A LOT healthier than the traditional version which uses about a pound of confectioners sugar. 



The sweetness in this recipe comes from medjool dates, which are high in fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals.  They are so easy and take so little time, I’m just gonna share so you can get to it! 

Oh, and I forgot, it being the weekend before Passover, this is a great dessert!!!  As long as you eat peanut butter or you can also use almond butter. 

This is not my recipe.  Someone in the group made them (Diana Klein)–Thank you Diana!

Rolos/Buckeyes (I think I’ll call them Buckos :-))

7 oz or 1 cup of pitted soft Medjool dates. If they are not really soft, soak them in water for 30 minutes then drain
2 TBL peanut butter
pinch of sea salt

mix the above in a food processor and pulse until a sticky paste forms.
scoop into a bowl and freeze uncovered for 10 minutes
line a plate with parchment paper and roll into balls and place on the parchment paper. it helps if your hands are wet.
freeze for 10 minutes to firm up.

Chocolate Coating
1/2 to 1 cup of dark chocolate chips.
1/2 tsp coconut oil
melt chocolate in either the microwave or in a saucepan.

stick a toothpick in the date mixture and dip each ball in the chocolate to coat.
place back on the parchment paper.
freeze when done. Keep frozen until you are ready to eat.. Enjoy


YUMMNESS!!!! Happy Holiday!!


3 ways to maintain sanity during the weekend

Many times I hear from clients that its easy to stay on track during the week, but the weekend throws them off course.  Here are 3 ways to stay focused on eating healthy, getting some activity, and relaxing with family.

1.  Wake up a little earlier than everyone else, even if its only 30 minutes.  I know this may be your only day to sleep in, but if you wake up on YOUR terms and not someone elses, you will be a much happier person.  The quiet of the house is relaxing.  Read something inspirational, pray, or read the paper.  Go to the gym.  Eat a homemade protein-rich breakfast for yourself.  Savor your tea or coffee in the morning, instead of gulping it down. 

2.  If you are inundated with “weekend activities” for your kids, consider exercising while they are exercising.  You can take a walk around the school, run around the field (great way to stay warm), do the stairs.  This burst of activity will help you stay focused on your kids and not resenting the time on your butt.  If you are inundated with NON-kid activities, consider how often you say “no.”  This was a huge one for me.  As women, many times we feel we need to do everything (because no one else will do it, or do it right, or we need people to need us).  You do not need to do everything.  You DO need to take care of yourself and do some restorative things.  You DO need to relax.  Running running running all the time can cause major health issues, especially in women.  Don’t take relaxing lightly.  It is vital to a healthy, sustainable, purposeful life. 

3.  Designate a day or even just an hour, to doing something as a family.  It can be preparing a healthy meal together, or playing a game, or doing an activity together.  Two things that I love doing with family and friends is going to the trampoline gym and bowling.  Think outside the box. 

BONUS TIP!!  To stay focused the rest of the week, plan some time on Sunday to prep some meals for the week.  This can be a family event or some time for you to chill in the kitchen with your favorite tunes playing.  Invite some friends and make it social!  Here are a few great recipes to start with:

bean and cheese burritos (add chicken, fish, or beef if you like).  these look awesome!! Make ’em and freeze ’em.  Then take them out and warm them up or put them in your lunchbox to thaw.  


OR try this:  Slow Cooker White Bean, Chicken, and Quinoa Soup–freeze portions in ziplock bowls.


You can eat this anytime!  Also freezable!  Roasted Zucchini and onion fritatta wrap


Energy anyone? 3 steps to more (and they might not be what you think)

More energy anyone?  3 steps to getting more (and it’s not what you think…)

If you have ever been around a toddler you know what I’m talking about—running circles around us, boundless energy, and its puzzling!  How do they do it???  And can we get it back??

Well, I’m not going to promise that we can get THAT much energy back, but I will say that if you do these 3 things,  for 8 weeks you will change your life.  Even if you do them for 1 week, you will feel a difference.  Are you skipping down to see what they are?  (wow! you’re really desperate!)

STEP 1: TAKE A WALK EVERY DAY, PREFERABLY IN NATURE. Ideally, a 20-30 minute relaxing walk is extremely beneficial to the body–even if you are a very physically active person.   Studies have shown that connecting to nature regularly is vitally important to the proper function of our nervous system.  Don’t you have to take the dog out anyway??  Running doesn’t count, because all your body thinks is that you are running AWAY from something, and it creates more stress in the body. 

Leave your phone at home and focus on your dog, or the trees, or a bird, listen to the sounds around you.  Leave the hurry-up-because-you-have-something-else-to-do feeling at home and take a breather. Speaking of that….

STEP 2:  BREATHE DEEPLY.  Have you ever paid attention to your breathing?  Oxygen is a key ingredient in energy production in our bodies.  It seems pretty simple, but if you just pay attention to your breathing for 1 MINUTE a day, it could have a big impact on your awareness of your breath.  Start with 1 MINUTE at your desk, as you go to sleep at night, or right now as you are reading this.  Breathe in deeply, slowly, as deep as you can, and breathe out EQUALLY slow (don’t rush it all out).  do this 5 times. 

STEP 3: SKIP THE SUGAR RUSH.  Its soooo tempting to reach for something sweet with a cup of coffee or a soda to chase away feelings of fatigue, but in fact, this is just adding to the problem.  When you rely on sugar and caffeine for energy, it short circuits your body’s natural energy production.  It also creates a TON OF STRESS in the body, which winds up making you feel wired up temporarily, but exhausted later. 

And then you just crash anyway–which isn’t pretty.  That usually happens about the time you get off work, and you’re STARVING when you get home, so you eat anything in sight. 

Can YOU step up to the challenge??  Okay, I’m not even going to challenge you for 8 weeks.  How about 1 week??  I challenge you to doing these three things for 7 days in a row–then report back:

1. take a 5-30 minute walk and appreciate nature

2. breathe deeply for 1 minute  (about 5-10 breaths)

3. ditch the sugar and caffeine.  reach for water flavored with orange or lemon slices and sunflower seeds or almonds for mid morning and mid afternoon snacks. 

Be ready to amaze your family and co-workers with how you look and feel! 

READY, SET….GO!!!  be well….Elyse


How a horrible tragedy can have a positive ripple effect

This morning I heard a powerful story about a woman who lost both her legs at the Boston Marathon bombing.  The woman in the story was a bystander waiting for her sister and–long story short–she lost both legs.  Her most worrisome issue was that she would never gain her full independence back; that she would be dependent on others for the rest of her life.

She was visited by a Marine who lost both of his legs in Afganistan, who, as she put it, “was steady as a rock.”  That made her realize that she could gain her independence again and gave her hope.  Massive hope that she could get back to normal, and even exceed normal. 

Yes, this is a powerful story.  It moved me to tears several times–when I first heard it and then again, when i read the transcript.  But I think the thing that struck me the most, was the power of the ripple effect.  This Marine had something horrible happen to him–he lost both legs!  I can’t begin to imagine, not just the emotional impact, but the pain–the initial pain and the phantom pain that haunts amputees for many years after losing a limb.  Through this pain and emotional anguish, he became strong again, and now serves other severely injured servicemen.  He didn’t just become functional, he is an example of hope for others. 

I’m sure it never occured to this guy that his service to this woman in a Boston hospital  would have such an impact on people all over the country today.  When she did her interview, was she aware of the impact that she would have on someone in Ohio?

When tragedy happens, especially violent tragedy, its hard to grasp.  Its hard to keep our faith, and its hard to wonder what we are here for.  But as we heard on NPR today, and many times in the past, relating to other attacks on our country, tragedy can release positive energy into this world that was not there before.  These huge explosions that are meant to harm may actually bring about massive change and awareness of a larger presence in our lives that we were ignorant of moments before. 

Each of us have small “tragedies” in our lives each day.  Some days are worse than others.  Like the day someone gets a cancer diagnosis, or the day someone has a heart attack.  These are life-changing events for people.  These events effect many people, not just the one who is sick. 

But what if we take these tragedies and turn them into a positive energy?  What can we do with that?  Conventional wisdom says–create awareness, get screened, do tests, raise money for research. 

Unconventional wisdom says–create positive energy for change in our health consciousness.  By focusing on what we want, HEALTH, we bring a new level of energy into the world (a higher vibration), that has a massive ripple effect on not just health, but everything. 

Just like the woman who lost her legs–she boldly proclaimed that she had the hope that she would not just get back to a normal life, but that her life could possibly be BETTER!  How can WE turn every day events, what we do each day, how we treat each other, how we treat OURSELVES, to create a higher consciousness of health to create more positive energy in our world? 

Please leave a comment!!! I would love to hear your thoughts and know how you are contributing to  a positive ripple effect!  🙂

be well…Elyse

You can read the transcript of her story here.  


Girls Fitness part 2–body image

Part 2 of Girls Fitness–creating positive body image from the inside out

What are the essentials for helping girls have a great body image?

  • think inside not outside–of course its not the outside of a person that matters, but what is inside.  That is not just true in character.  Good health starts on the inside, how you support your cells,  especially in girls because they are growing and changing.  Let’s face it: people come in different shapes and sizes, so being focused on the outside is counterproductive and harmful.
  • talk in terms of health instead of weight–whether your daughter is overweight or underweight, conversations about choices should always focus on health.  Help her to think about what food does on the inside, how it makes her feel after (or before) she eats. Is it energizing? Does it make her feel bloated? Does she feel guilty after?
  • how do YOU feel about your body and how do you talk about it? this has a big impact on the girls around you.  We tend to beat ourselves up about our bodies, especially when we make unhealthy choices.  Are you verbalizing that out loud?
  • teach empowerment, instead of blaming–its easy to say that we are one way or another because of our genetics.  Its easy to blame our spouse, our economic situation, or our other kids’ needs.  This is being a victim of your circumstances.  When you are a victim, your daughter takes on that attitude as well.  How can you and she make healthier choices with your specific circumstances?  Chances are, you are not the only one with a unique challenge–search the internet for inspiration!  Remember that we  CHOOSE what we put in our bodies.  We CHOOSE how we spend our time.
  • get your daughter involved in fitness activities that empower and  are not competitive.  For many girls (and women, too) competition in sports is not a positive outlet.  It certainly wasn’t for me!  Focus on programs where each person is treated like an individual, and classmates support each other at their level.  Girls working together as a non-competitive team, supporting each other, learning about focusing on the impact of our decisions on the inside of our bodies is the biggest gift that we can give them.

By emphasizing inside, getting in touch with the message we are sending about ourselves, making empowered choices, and giving our girls a non-judging environment for fitness, we can change the way girls look at themselves in the mirror.  This paradigm shift in how we view ourselves will change the health of future generations.

Venus Fitness for Her in Montgomery Ohio is currently looking for teens to join our Girls Getting Stronger 4 week program, starting Feb. 26th. Click here for more info and to register.  The first 10 participants will get 50% off with the promo code: earlybird



What to eat

“What should I eat” is probably one of the most frequently asked questions I get. When did we get so confused about what is nutritious fuel for our bodies? Shouldn’t our bodies intuitively know what to eat?
The problem started when convenience foods became widely available and good manufacturers (a phrase in of itself is an oxymoron) started really messing with our brains.
Food companies are constantly developing new ways to make food taste better.
Here’s the thing: food’s primary goal is to provide nutrients to our cells. When flavor and pleasure predominate our choices, we lose. And our brains get some locked in on pleasure, kind of like an addict, that is what is seeks out and that’s where the confusion starts.
When I tell people they need to cut out their pleasure food like bread and cereal, chips and crackers, cookies and candy they freak, like what am I supposed to eat for breakfast?? What should I eat for snacks?? What if I go to a party and all they have is chips??
Take a deep breath! You can do this!
I always tell people to think about what you would eat if you lived Ina prairie with no grocery store, just veggetables, some chickens, maybe a cow or a sheep or goat, would you eat cereal for breakfast? No. You would eat an egg. Would you eat bacon? No. You would eat some tomatoes and maybe some spinach. Yum! That actually sounds delicious!! No time? How about a banana and peanut butter?
Some people panic when they’d ace a situation where they are not in total control of the food choices, like at a party or a work lunch. In these situations you have a couple of choices. You are not at the mercy of the idiot that orders pizza and soda.
1. you can eat before you go to said party
2. You can bring your own lunch (I have actually had people say they said they had to eat the same food as their client because it might offend their client if they had a salad–seriously? Playing a victim are we?? I told her maybe she would impress them with her healthy choices).
3. Avert your eyes from the chips or dessert or whatever it is that is making your mouth water at a party.
4. Eat before you go into a situation you know will not offer good choices. Arm yourself because you are going into battle with your brain. When faced with pleasure your brain will do whatever it can to convince you that it’s okay to have just one of whatever it is. But, you never wind up having just one of whatever it is because as soon as that food touches your tongue its all over. A storm of pleasure overcomes your brain and you want more and it’s really hard to stop. I know you know what I’m talking about! So just don’t start. Remember that your brain is going to play a trick on you and that you are not going to fall for it this time.

So, back to the question: what to eat?
No rocket science here. Vegetables, fruit, nuts seeds, legumes, eggs, water. You really don’t need much else if you work it right.
Look on some of my other posts for some smoothie recipes for a quick breakfast.
Any questions?

Tips for Healthy Living #2

Tip: Affirmation

Write down your goal for positive affirmation. Put it in present tense, as if it is already real and draw a picture or photograph to make it more powerful.  Pick one goal and write it on 10 sticky notes. Place these around the house, office and car to remind you of your goal and personal strength.  During moments of vulnerability we are prone to negative thoughts.  Mark Hyman, M.D., author of The Ultra-Mind Solution, calls them ANTS, which stands for Automatic Negative Thoughts.   Share your positive affirmation:

Elyse Jarard is the owner of Venus Fitness for Her in Montgomery. Contact her:

Next steps:  Share your positive affirmation with your accountability partner.  Do one thing, just small thing to help you reach your goal each day.  You can plan it out (if you are a planner) each day on a calendar.  Then you know what to do each day and you’re not scrambling or feeling overwhelmed.